RL270 - An Archipelago of Stops

This week, Merlin and John talk about:

  • John's dad joined the Navy twice (Parents)
  • John’s truck was on fire (Cars)
  • John's Jetta having a burned out ignition coil (Cars)
  • John’s daughter commenting on his truck's safety (Daughter)
  • John not opening his college diploma (Education)
  • John has never gotten any awards (Awards)

The problem: ”The ignition coil did what?”, referring to John’s Jetta being at Dan’s shop and John answering Dan's call live during the show where he is telling John that one of the ignition coils was burned out.

It is going really good, but that new Skype sound is bugging John. Merlin still has the old Skype 7.9, but he hates it also, he hates them all! Each new one gets worse. John also got a notification to upgrade to High Sierra that was not easy to dismiss.

Merlin told John about the train crash in John’s neighborhood.

John's daughter was home with him while they recorded because of school's out. She interrupted him once during the recording, asking him how to spell John’s mom’s name.

John got the fireplace in his house working again and he and his daughter had thrown some logs on the fire, decorated a Christmas tree and as they were recording it seemed like she was working on her art project. Later he was going to have to pick her up, get socks on her and do this whole business of going to his mechanic Dan to pick up his Jetta.

They talk about taking their kids to run errands. John’s childhood was just an archipelago of stops: Laundromat, bank, post office, photo shop, gas station. When Merlin’s daughter has to go somewhere, even if it is to get something she wants, she considers it an inconvenience! They talk about John’s dad going to the photo shop and getting his blurry pictures (see Parents) and they talk about Merlin’s action figures.

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