RL255 - A fancy-enough Window

RL255 - A Fancy enough window

This week, Merlin and John talk about

The problem: "John moved a cheese", referring to the book "Who Moved My Cheese" about being in the business when John said he didn't want to play on a boyfriend's birthday party.

The show title refers to the window of products between "cheap" and "too fancy". Things in there are just fancy enough.

The difference between football and baseball: In baseball, the goal is to go home. Every day somebody is born who has never heard George Carlin.

John has leaned in, but he also knows how to lay back. "Lean in" - that's that Sheryl Crow book (actually: It is called "lean on me"). "Who hid my cheese?" In a car wash on a Tuesday afternoon! John knows how to hide the cheese, he knows where he hid the cheese, and he knows you got to move it (There is a book "Who moved my cheese?") and you got to remember where you put it when you moved it. He knows who's cheese he is moving. You want to know where your cheese is? You talk to me!

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