
Support the show on Patreon!

The reveal (RW60)

Dan is introducing John to the Patreon he had secretly created more than a month ago. He knew that John didn’t want a Patreon that sucks, so he created it with faith in the listeners and was hoping when he would reveal it it wouldn’t suck. At the point the show was recorded, the total pledge was in the $1200:s, but Dan made it sound like he had expected more. Roadwork is in the top 1% of Podcasts in the world, they have something around 20.000 listeners. Dan suspects that the response was warm because John himself was not involved. On the other hand, some people even said they cancelled their 5by5-pledge and put the money into Roadwork instead.

John is not mad at Dan for doing this behind his back, because everything in John’s life that resulted in forward motion was because somebody had to do something behind his back. John is agnostic about it and finds $1000 nothing to sneeze at. Dan explains that it is difficult to talk to sponsors about the show, because the topic is not clearly defined.

Bonus content (RW64)

From episode 64, Roadwork started to have occasional bonus content for their Patreon supporters. There is a secret RSS feed that you will receive when you sign up to support the show.

The following episodes have Patreon bonus content:

From episode 121 on there is a regular Patreon-only segment (they call it After Dark in 5by5-tradition) where Dan and John will reply to reader mail. With a few exceptions, every subsequent episode had bonus content and the subscriber count has increased significantly since then.

The following pages link to John's Patreon

Patreon bonus content (RW142)

Dan wanted to plug the bonus show again and he thanked their Patreon supporters! At the time they had 882 of the most amazing people supporting them, which is fantastic! Shame on you if you are only given them a dollar, but they still appreciate it because it is better than nothing. They release bonus shows almost every week, a lot of the time they will answer listener e-mail, and this week they had a big one.

John was pleasantly surprised by how much he enjoyed doing the after hours thing. It is talk that is not for everybody but only for those who are really interested. John likes that he can talk even more candidly about their intimate ablutions than on their normal show, even though John’s ablutions are generally just sitting in the bath and working on his bath desk. This unfortunate paywall, which John is sorry about, works to the advantage of the other side of the show because they can presume that no reporters for Pitchfork are willing to pay $5 to go over there, it is not how they think. They are not going to pay to expose them. Screw them! Screw anybody from Vice who is doing some tricky trick!

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