John Roderick

John Morgan Roderick was born on September 13, 1968 and grew up in Anchorage, Alaska. In the early days his family lived near Elmendorf Air Force Base (RW63). Today he lives in the King County neighborhood (RL241) in Seattle, Washington. John's family is of Welsh descent (RW63).

The person

  • Style: John's hair, beard, glasses and clothing-style
  • Personality: John's general personality treats and his attitude towards life
  • Philosophy: The way John sees the world and his life
  • Education: John's College education
  • Drugs: John's former relationship with drugs
  • Depression: John's struggle with depression
  • Anxiety: John's claustrophobia and occasional panic attacks
  • Emotions: John's ability to experience emotions
  • Aging: John's thoughts about the aging-process
  • Sleep: John has his very own journey when it comes to sleeping
  • Hygiene: John's view on personal hygiene


  • Parents: John's mom and dad
  • Daughter: John's daughter and her mother
  • Family: John's extended family
  • Friends: John's girlfriends and childhood friends
  • Coparenting: John and his daughter's mother being coparents

Musical Career

  • Career: John's career as an Indie Rock musician
  • Music: John's love for music outside his own career
  • Awards: John frequently complains that he never won an award

Philosophy and Politics

  • History: John is very interested in history
  • Military: John has deep knowledge about the military and about war
  • Geography: John has come around quite a bit and talks about different parts of the world
  • Humanities: John's thoughts on science, liberal arts and all things spiritual
  • Generations: John has a lot to say about the generational conflict
  • Politics: John's view on politics and society
  • Money: John's view on the economy
  • Ideologies: John's reply to a listener question brings us down a deep rabbit hole
  • Liberalism: Current political affairs let John explain his view on liberalism
  • Liberal Vision: John's liberal vision did not pan out and he wonders what to do next
  • Dreams and Fantasies: John's dreams and fantasies as well as other magical moments
  • Process: Part of John's process is figuring out if there is a process and what the process is
  • School: A discussion about the current state of schools in America
  • Parenting: John and his co-hosts all have small children and talk about parenting


  • Music: John's love for music outside his own career
  • Books: John is an avid reader and has always been
  • Movies: John does not have a television, but he still loves movies
  • Podcasting: John's career as a co-host and guest on podcasts
  • Shows and Events: John attending different shows, festivals and events as a performer or in the audience
  • Comic Books: John's interest in alternative comics as a kid
  • Architecture: John knows more about architecture than most others, see also Interstate Highway System
  • Conspiracy: John's theories about conspiracy and superstition
  • Objects: Collecting and selling trinkets and little objects
  • Travel: There is always a story to tell after a trip
  • Flying: John has a strong love for airplanes
  • Cars: John's passion for cars
  • Motorcycle: John's love for motorcycles
  • Pets: Jon's love for animals, especially cats, but maybe not Vermin
  • Internet and Social Media: John finding his way on Twitter and Instagram (see accounts below)
  • Technology: John is not a technology person, but sometimes he talks about it anyways
  • Apple Watch: Both John and his mom got an Apple Watch in the fall of 2018


Main article: Stories: The core of John's podcasts, all the fascinating stories he tells us.

  • Early Days: Stories from school and early days of traveling
  • Currents: Tales of John's current events and every-day observations
  • Factoids: Fun facts told by John, not directly related to himself
  • Chris Cornell: Thoughts about the suicide of the singer of Soundgarden in May 2017
  • The Beatles: John talking about the Sgt Pepper remix and the Hulu documentary
  • Time Geography: John's desire to record his data and events in multiple dimensions
  • Building Trail: John's plan on how to make better use of 7th-graders by letting them build trail
  • Assistant: John's thoughts about hiring an assistant to get more projects going
  • Apocalypse: Better be prepared!
  • Juggalos: John's fascination for this subculture
  • Supertrain: John's and Merlin's fantasy about #Supertrain
  • Tweetstorm: John tweetstorming the Firestone and Hilton companies to demand satisfaction
  • Customer Service: How John deals with user-hostile products and services

Contact Information and Social media

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